Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A bit too honest!

Yesterday there was a neighbor over playing with Navek. Emerald kept hitting him with this pool floaty thing. I kept asking her to stop but she didn't. She can have a bit of an attitude sometimes! I finally took the float away from her and put it up high where she couldn't reach it. She kept asking for it finally I asked her if she was going to be nice and she said "no", then I asked her if she was going to hit Coby again and she said "yes". Silly goose! Then she couldn't understand why I wouldn't give it back to her! At least she is honest with her intentions!


Daisy said...

I love that little girl!! Cameryn has said things like that to me too. Two year olds are funny.

Gina said...

I am soo glad you shared this! Such a funny thing!