Monday, August 27, 2007


I was in YW yesterday and learned something very interesting ...the definition of the word sacrifice. Ready? is "giving up something good for something better." I repeated that in my head about a dozen times to try to fully understand it.

Then I got to thinking about how much a mother sacrifices for her family. I feel like my life is extremely difficult sometimes. I feel like I have been through a lot and have experienced many things that most people won't have to in this life. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but it is true. Anyways, sacrifice. Giving up something good for something better. Wow, that makes so much sense. I feel like I give up "good" things like my body (5 kids in 6 years Yikes!), my time, my social life, sometimes my talents. What better things are there than this? Is it good to give up so much?

Well, after pondering for a while I decided that my kids are "something better" I would much rather hear and witness everyday cuteness from certain little people then work out at the gym for 4 hours in hopes for a better body! I would much rather have a "better" conversation with Navek then with somebody at work. My kids are so precious. They are so unique and different, but they belong me here on this earth.

I still probably don't FULLY understand sacrifice, but I will take it one day at a time. To think that Jesus gave up his good life here on earth for an even better one in eternity. How amazing to think of all that he went through. He did it for us because he loves us.

Lately I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. It is so challenging having 4 kids so close in age. I know that we are supposed to live for the future and be prepared and stuff like that. But with all that I have on my plate it is all I can do to make it one day at a time for right now. I made it through today with out any life threatening situations so yay for me and some junk!!


Unknown said...

Glad I found this blog today. Enjoyed the read and the photos.

Here comes an invitation to visit my blog--this week if possible--as my "Spotlight the Youth" contest ends Friday, and lots of votes are needed to make it work. So please spread the word.

Thanks so much

Gina said...

Amen, Jessica! I think about this quote often because, you are right... it's hard to do what we are supposed to be doing but giving up some "good" things (like sleep, a great body, me time, etc) we will be granted some merciful blessings in the eternities. I think about this when I am wrangling my child pre-church and during church. Heavenly Father is bound to bless us when we are trying, loving and doing what we CAN do.

Check this out at Deseret Book or Seagull: The Myth We Call Perfection by John L. Lund