Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random thoughts

Man has been so weird lately! I don't know what to think about it. The month leading up to the election was intense. Election day I was sick to my stomach. The day after was even worse. This kind of "change" that this new president is promising us...uhh huh...we'll see if it's really the kind of "change" we want. It's interesting the way so many people view things differently. I heard someone say that "the nightmare is over" now that Obama is president. We'll some of us think that the "nightmare" is just beginning. I don't think that there has ever been a perfect president, but I do think that some have been better than others. President Bush isn't perfect. I do believe that he has made our country a safer place. And there are other things that he has done that I have cuts, rebates etc. But he hasn't been the "best" president ever. I am concerned with Obama. He is TOO liberal. Nothing good has ever come with making our government BIGGER than it needs to be. And the whole Proposition 8 thing in California. Wow....geez. It's really caused a lot of protesting and hatred toward Mormons even though we weren't the only ones involved. I don't like to worry...but I find myself worrying a lot lately. What good does worrying do? It's really just wasted energy. Yikes!