Friday, September 19, 2008

Never at the same time!

I love my little girls to death!! Of course I do, duh I'm their mom. But seriously....they have been little pills lately. They are NEVER good together at the same time. When Emerald is all cute and sweet and helpful, Yzabelle is a little devil. She will be a booger on purpose. And when Yzabelle is kind and thoughtful, Emerald is a little devil. She (Em) has been having a biting problem lately, well not just that, but hitting and especially throwing things.
The other day she bit Tristyn for no good reason. I tried to put her in time out and she got all mad at ME for disciplining her. She ran over to a truck and picked it up over her head and was like "I'M GONNA THROW IT AT YOU MOM!" Uhhh okay and some junk. I'M the mom not you! Then she was swinging her arms at me like a mad woman. Talk about anger management issues...geez! And it's so hard to keep a straight face.. because she is so mad about the fact that I AM trying to right her wrong...
Another night we were having dinner and Belle was throwing some kind of fit cause, of course, she didn't like what I had made for dinner. She said something like "I hate it mom, it's dumb!" and Emerald said "No, is pretty!" Thanks for defending your good ol' mom Emerald!
Sometimes when we are cleaning up their is always helpful and the other is a lazy little butt! Can't they just be on the same page every once in a while??!!


Anonymous said...

As for

Linda Horsley said...

Isn't it funny how kids are. You just gotta love them! You are doing a great job Jessica! You are an awesome mom.

Daisy said...

Ahhh girls, they are so annoying/ silly/ funny. You always have such good stories, haha.

Anonymous said...

Haha. I don't know why that's all that posted from my comment. I was gonna say "As for being on the same page, they just haven't figured out which is going to be the messy sibling, and which is going to be the clean sibling." Hahaha.